Ask Saquina Akanni, The Prosperity Doctor: Why wear a Dragon Robe for Prosperity?


The Chinese Dragon is different than the Western dragon. The Chinese dragon is regarded as Supreme amongst all creatures on earth and is consider to be a spiritual creature. It represents the ultimate power, Mother Nature and the greatest divine force on Earth. The Chinese Dragon holds a powerful energy force and often seen as the symbol of divine protection, vigilance and prosperity, where as the Western dragon is feared, has wings and breaths hell fire. The Chinese Dragon occupies a very special place in Chinese culture, Asian philosophy and ancient mythology. It shows up in many aspects of Chinese culture, art, literature and architecture. The Chinese Dragon is part of the Chinese consciousness and is beloved, honored and revered.

The Chinese Dragon is a kimono and was only worn by the emperor and high ranking officials in past history. The Dragon Robe worn by the Emperor is Gold. Dragon is looked upon as the ultimate symbol of Good Fortune and Prosperity.  Today anyone can harness the Dragon Prosperity Robe and feel power of prosperity of the Chinese Dragon Prosperity Robe.

Retail $395.00  
A Gift to YOU - The Ultimate Silk Dragon Robe - Half Price $195


Know your Power and Intention.
Wear the Dragon Robe Manifest Possibilities

Feel the power and energy.
A unique statement and fun to wear.  
A perfect gift  for any holiday Christmas, Birthdays, Mother's Day, Prom, Father's Day or any special occasion.

Note:  As incredible as this fabric and design is, it is no longer available. I have shown it as I have a similar pattern in Chinese Black/Gold with the Tao symbols or Dragon symbol. See the red silk fabric design below with the Tao symbol. 

Chinese Dragon Robe Kimono
1/2 PRICE Holiday Special
Black and Gold Dragon Robe for ONLY $195 

1/2 PRICE Solid Colors Kimonos
Special Request a Different Color and Size 
BLACK and RED  Reversible Only $97.00

Unisex One Size Kimonos
Removable Matching Belt 
Dragon Robe for Men and Women

The  Prosperity Dragon Robe is my brand. I do not leave home without my Dragon Robe. Ware a Prosperity Dragon Robe anytime. Feel the Freedom. Feel the difference. Feel the power of the Dragon Robe when you are out on the town or simply relaxing in your home. Feel the energy of the Dragon Robe. Feel the Spiritual Energy of the Chinese Dragon.

Sending Wisdom, Blessings, Love and Light
Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor

Food for Thought
Dragon history includes Chinese mythology. The Chinese Dragon has the ability fly up into the heavens, to live in the seas, and on land coiled in the form of mountains. Being a divine mythical animal, the Chinese Dragon can ward off evil spirits, protect the innocent, and bestow safety to all that hold its emblem, hence the Prosperity Dragon.

To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity

Order today in time to wear for YOUR Special Event.

Special Patterns
Tao Pattern Shown Here
The Dragon Symbol
Is simular except a dragon 

Special Order Colors and Sizes
RETAIL Value $395.00 
Year Round Holiday 
Discount  - $195.00

FOOD for the SOUL: Drink XANGO - Brain Food - Brain Fuel

Drink Genius Juice – Drink XANGO

Food for the Soul

Why drink XANGO®XANGO® Juice is the original real food mangosteen juice with the power of xanthones. XANGO® brand combines the whole fruit to make the puree: the paricarp (internal structure), seeds and the center flesh of the fruit. 

FOOD for THOUGHT: Read the labels of all foods. Check other brands of mangosteen juice. They do not use the whole fruit. Many are made from concentrate. Other are labeled reconstituted or reconstructed. What does that mean? It means that the juice no longer a whole food. So now they call it a Drink not a Juice, because it contains isolated parts of a juice. If it is reconstructed even worst, it is no longer a food. It is a chemical!

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine fruit is the cleansing food in nature. Mangosteen is the Queen of Fruits. XANGO® addresses the Liver therefore; XANGO® is considered to be Food for the Soul.

XANGO® brand juice:
·          Whole food for complete dietary supplement
·          Addresses inflammation and toxic waste
·          More real food nutrients nourishing the brain

When asked by clients, "What can I buy to make sure my children are getting the nourishment they need at school, at games and on the road? My reply is  XANGO® Juice.

This unique juice enables the genius in all of us! XANGO® Juice is Food Therapy for children, teens, adults and seniors. Seniors more than ever as we are Baby Boomers - Forever Young. We are aware, alert, active and experiencing the joy of life more than ever!

Xango is Brain Food and perfect for students of any age, from pre-school to seniors, who want more performance from the brain. 

Perfect for children of all ages. 

My grandson Little Einstein Jabril loves it,
because it tastes great.

BONUS: Addresses many health issues too! Drink Genius Juice. Order XANGO. Jabril favorite is XANGO® Singles.

Experience Food for the Soul. Fuel the brain with the powerful antioxidant properties from dozens of different xanthones.

Don't forget to order: TONIC OIL

Contact me for a FREE Consultation
Make an appointment today

Sending Blessings, Love and Light
To Your Health, Wealth and Prosperity
Saquina Akanni



Prosperity Doctor: Ask Saquina - Drink Genius Juice - Drink XANGO

Why Drink XANGO® Juice? 

XANGO is the original whole food mangosteen juice considered to be the Queen of Fruits with the power of xanthones. 

XANGO® brand is a complete food puree juice that combines the whole fruit: the paricarp (internal structure), seeds and center flesh of the mangosteen fruit.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine XANGO® Brand Mangosteen Juice is Food for the Soul, because XANGO® 

  1. XANGO® will Detox and nourish the Liver
  2. XANGO® cleanses and detoxes the Gallbladder system 
  3. XANGO® cleanses our natural filtering systems
  4. The Soul is housed in the Liver 
  5. Therefore, XANGO® is Food for the Soul

Mangosteen whole food puree aids in removing inflammation and toxic waste from the body. Fruit is the cleansing food in nature. Xango mangosteen juice puree is the whole food therefore it also helps balance, nourish and increase circulation to deliver nutrients to the brain.  Cleansing and nourishing allows XANGO® to provide more nutrients to support body functions which also improve optimal neural messaging! 

This unique juice enables the genius in you! Perfect for study and all students of any age, from preschool to seniors, who want more performance from their brain.

My grandson Little Einstein Jabril loves it, because it tastes great. Jabril is now 8 years old and has been drinking  XANGO® since he was 2 years old. It is still his  favorite. He loves the XanGo Singles.

XANGO® also Food for the Brain.

Order XANGO®. Try XANGO® in Singles or bottles. 

Fuel the brain with the power of Xanthones.

Experience the power of over 40 Xanthones!

To You Health, Wealth and Prosperity
Saquina Akanni

The Prosperity Doctor

Little Einstein Jabril at 4 years old.
Yes I am a proud grandmother.

Sending Blessings, Wisdom, Love and Light
To Your Health

Saquina Akanni
The Prosperity Doctor